Sunday, May 24, 2009

the day that diddnt mean to happen

Hmmm.. today was long-waited ACJ exam. Long awaited because many of my classmates including me were waiting for it, waiting coz we all love Chennai and i love Chennai too.

lBUt Chennai hates me (sob sob) why? coz the what would have made me staid here is screwed

talking bout the exam...
paper 1 english:

"inne da iddu" - all total angrezzees and englees

paper2 Gk: "aiyaiooo...yaar da iddu" indiana ?americana?


Arv said...

he hee...

take care mate... cheers...

Lancelot said...

why blood? same blood :P

Elithraniel Arawion said...

ROTFL.. tell me about it~~~!! :P